Quintura search engine

I’m writing an evaluation of Quintura.com search engine for my Information Storage and Retrieval class. I’m having a lot of fun playing with it – it’s kind of like boolean searching for dummies. It uses Yahoo for search results, and gives a cloud of terms one can use to broaden or narrow the search. I’m not always a big fan of tag clouds, but in this case, it can work really well to show an overview of a subject. Plus, they have embeddable widgets-

All in all, a nice alternative engine. I much prefer it to similar engines like Clusty, KartOO and Grokker.

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2 Responses to Quintura search engine

  1. beerorkid says:

    Clusty is pretty cool, never seen the others. Found some strange stuff on me through them. Thanks.

  2. Melissa Your FAV sis says:

    add me to twitter dude! HELLO?!?! :) melissajusti515