Presentation on Portable Apps Wiki

I wasn’t going to open this up, but I decided, why the heck not??

Take a look at the applications list on my presentation wiki. Am I missing any portable or web apps that would be good to use in a library?

Of course, I can’t go over all these applications in the presentation- I’ll hit on a few and then people can access the site for the rest- so this is as much about the eventual, completed wiki as it is the presentation itself.

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One Response to Presentation on Portable Apps Wiki

  1. Tommy says:

    Don’t mean to be a bitch or nothin’ but you remember our FAR more important blog? The one you started about anime? I was about to put a new post up on an anime I blasted through 50 episodes, when I realized that SOMEONE has been too busy with their own personal blog to post anything about anime since mid FEB. Ya know…just a heads up :) ;) No pressure.