Something is missing…

I’ve been wondering if maybe ‘m pushing myself too hard lately. I’m taking 3 classes right now, will be taking three in the fall and two in the summer, I’m going to ALA in Washington (Just bought the plane ticket!), joined the NLC’s mentoring program (as a mentee of course!) am writing an article to submit to fthe NLA quarterly, am running for secretary of two sections (kinda hoping I’ll only get one, but if not… I’m a good note taker), and presenting on portable applications in May.


So I was thinking today… maybe it’s too much? I don’t know. I’m excited to have found something I actually want to do, but I’m nervous that I will burn out before I even start. I may need to push back a few classes and graduate a little later. We’ll see.

I’ve really been missing painting. I just don’t have much.. you know… free time. I’ve been drawing a little, but can’t seem to get back into the swing of things. Tonight I downloaded a neato program called Art Rage and used that and the Tablet PC my mom gave me (thanks mom!!!) to do a little doodling. It’s much fun, I highly recommend the program- there’s a free version, and the full version’s only $20. I’ll definitely be picking that up- maybe with some birthday money.


A doodle.

Drawing on TV

The setup. Please ignore mess around TV.

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2 Responses to Something is missing…

  1. Ok, I’m exhausted just from reading about all you are doing!!!! :) Make sure you take time for yourself. I know how hard it is to try and back off. I just signed up for a second summer class so that I can graduate next spring. I can’t seem to make things go slower – especially as I get closer and closer to the end of my grad program.

    I love the doodling!!!

  2. Heather Kline says:

    I really admire your involvement and energy…but I agree, I’m in need of a nap now after reading about all of it. You make me feel like I’m on vacation! What are you writing the article about?