Bad blogger are me (watch out, rambly post)

Unlike Christa, I do not have a good reason for being a bad blogger lately- unless you count school, but I don’t, because I still have had plenty of time to watch Eureka 7. (I’m not a fan of mech anime in general, but my husband talked me into checking out this one, and I’m glad. It sucks trying to describe the concept to others, though. “Surfing robots? Please.”) I am sort of regretting my decision to abolish the personal from the main page of my site- sure, I still have the Journal section of my site, but for some unknown reason, I just don’t feel like using it. I expect the personal may start to work it’s way back, and the journal section will become an archive, which is fine. Maybe every once in a while I’ll archive the topical and not so important posts to the journal side…

I have been seriously considering a switch to WordPress, mostly because I want to use the snifty aside feature but also because I am slowly but surely moving towards an open source existence. Two things have held me back, though.

One, it would be a big pain in the butt to switch. I’m ok with losing all my tags- or, at least, I have come to terms with is. The big problem is permalinks – all the solutions I have seen are not perfect.

Problem two I have is that I don’t want my blog to be dynamically generated. It’s not like I get a lot of hits, so I’m not really worried about server load. I’m not sure exactly what it is. Maybe I am just too old fashioned and stuck in the idea of static pages.

I keep thinking that someday my site will be “finished,” but I realize that it won’t be. I still have some style sheet issues left over from the last change I really need to address, though. I have been working on a separate resume site at, and it’s just so pretty and clean. It makes me want to redesign!

I have decided to take only one class this summer. It is a bit of a relief to tell you the truth- and I’m really looking forward to the one class. I’m hoping to make it up next summer so I can still graduate at the end of 2008- I am just antsy to start my “real” library job already.

I talked to my teacher a little bit about jobs the other day, and the kind of jobs she was talking about for me just blew me away. They were jobs with big, important sounding titles. It’s not that I don’t think I could do such jobs- because when I really step back and think about it, I think I could – it just seems so SOON to be talking about these kinds of jobs. I can’t keep but think about all the talk I hear about new LIS students that are unable to find jobs. I don’t hear the complaining directly – I have not joined newlib for a reason – but I still hear of it. I just don’t buy it, though. At least not for me- I’m smart, I’m mobile, and I’m not all that specific about where I want to work. Public, academic, special, they all hold their charms. So even though I am optimistic about my chances of finding a job, I am cautious of getting my hopes up too high. The perfect job won’t really just come to me, right?

When I stop to think about this last year, though, and how effortless everything has been – starting school, going to school and working, the professional development stuff- it just all seems so easy. Sure there are times when I am stressed, but I know where I am and where I want to go, and others believe in me (“others” meaning people besides my parents and husband). More than other believing in me, though, I believe in myself. When I was contemplating being an artist, I was never entirely comfortable with the concept. I defended it out loud, but in the back of my mind, a voice was saying “is this REALLY what you want? Do you want to have to try and sell yourself over and over?” Selling art is a little like selling a piece of my soul- and it hurts when that’s rejected. It’s a problem I faced, but I never knew quite what to do about. I am, however, entirely comfortable with the concept of selling my skills. And getting to help people while I am at it is just an added bonus.

So remember that getting up early experiment I tried a while ago? It’s ok if you don’t. I think I may try it again. There was a time in there when I felt continually tired, but I don’t quite feel that way anymore. Getting out of bed is still hard, but I have not felt the intense need to take a nap at work in a few weeks. I feel sometimes like I am so out of touch with what my body needs – I still don’t have any kind of real idea of how much sleep I need. Given the opportunity, I’ll sleep way later than I should, but I think that’s a more a result of my love of laying in bed than needing sleep.

Have I mentioned that the bestest mom int he world gave me a laptop? She did, and it’s great. I never really got the draw of having a laptop, for me, at least, but as I sit in an easy chair and type this, I think I am beginning to understand. The laptop has a touchscreen too, which has spoiled me completely. I left the pen I need to work it at my mom’s this weekend, and already I feel lost. I would love on of those sleek apple laptops one day, but I sure hope they build one with touchscreen. I would really like to get Linux installed on the laptop, but I am nervous of maintaining the touch screen functionality. I know it is possible- I have seen examples on the web, but the process seems somewhat harder than a point and click installation. I probably won’t try until I at least have the backup disks for the computer, just in case. I am downloading Feisty Fawn right now and boy is it sure taking forever.

OK, I think I have gotten the ramblyness out of my system for now. This is what happens when I don’t post often enough!

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