
Wow, I got tagged.

Hmm. 8 random things.

  1. I have a kitten in my art room. We weren’t going to take him in, but then he kept getting into fights. Now that we’ve taken him in, there are more kittens! Ahhhhhh!
  2. I was in a theater magnet school in HS, despite the fact that I can’t sing, can’t act, and can barely dance. I was stage manager a few times, a rather thankless job. I have seen several people I went to HS with on TV, one is in Avenue Q on Broadway right now.
  3. I’m watching Ultraviolet right now- it’s pretty bad, but Milla Jovavich makes it OK. kinda.
  4. I’m a big anime fan, and a closet cosplay fan. I love this flickr photostream.

OK, that’s it for now, 4 more later.

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3 Responses to tag!

  1. Heather Kline says:

    TOO CUTE!!!! And you are totally one of those library/cat bloggers now. Can you mail me a kitten?

  2. Connie says:

    Those kittens are so adorable.

  3. Pingback: nirak.net - Musings of an LIS Student » Finishing up the random things meme