Sunrise on the drive to school

Morning drive to school Morning drive to school
Morning drive to school Morning drive to school
Morning drive to school Morning drive to school

These are pictures from my 6:30 AM drive to school yesterday. Yes, I took pictures while in the car. I didn’t look at the camera while taking pictures, though- just held up the camera and hit the button a bunch of times. I figured if I took a lot of pictures, something would come out- and so it did.

I’m done with school for the weekend. My head is spinning a little, but I think the semester will go well. I’m not the only one taking 3 classes and working full time. One student is also teaching classes, lives 3 hours away, and has 4 boys. eep!

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One Response to Sunrise on the drive to school

  1. John Miedema says:

    Beautiful pictures! Best wishes this semester.