Final Literacy diagram

Well, it’s done. It was due last night, so I had to finish up. It’s waaay simplified. If anyone wants the SVG file to play with it in Inkscape (my new favorite program), let me know. The graphics come from (you can download them as an icon package) and are creative commons noncommercial share alike licensed.

Information Media and Digital Literacy smaller

Bonus: I originally was going to include a librarian (information ninja) in the diagram, but it just didn’t fit. So here it is as a separate graphic. Here’s the CC license, and you’d have to credit as above. Again, I have the svg if you want it.

information Ninja

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6 Responses to Final Literacy diagram

  1. stelt says:

    Why not just put up the SVG anyway?
    Inkscape’s very nice, but of course there are loads more of programs doing SVG. Most i’d say.

  2. karin says:

    Yeah, not a whole lot that are free and as easy to use, though. :)

  3. karin says:

    PS- I haven’t linked the SVG yet because I’m not sure how to handle the linked graphics, and I’m out of time for now. So if anyone wants it, let me know, and I’ll move it farther up the list of stuff to do…

  4. tomh says:

    The easiest way of dealing with linked graphics is to embed them, makes the file a bit (lot) bigger, but it’s not to bad… (Effects -> Images -> Embed all images) works like a charm, and really helps with the whole moving computer issue.

  5. karin says:

    tomh – thanks for the tip. Sorry it took the comment so long to get posted, it got stuck in the black hole that is the spam trap.

  6. J.R. from High School says:

    yay, its karin dalziel!! and she uses buuf icons!! yay