I love L.A.

Why is everyone so down on Anaheim? When I think of Anaheim I think of the L.A. County Museum of Art (oh, how I miss my LACMA pass), Corona Del Mar, Hollywood Blvd. (best place for people watching EVER- plus fun costume shops), Laguna Beach, Mulholland Drive, the farmers market in L.A., the Huntington Library, the Huntington Beach Public Library (beautiful library and home of my first job), the piers, the ocean, yes, Disneyland (oh, how I miss my Disneyland pass) and all the other places I have not been able to see in almost 10 years. I guess Southern California was always like one big city to me- the city names nothing more than neighborhoods. I’m really looking forward to heading back and re-seeing all these places through adult eyes, and with my husband. The only danger is, I may not come back.

And I guess there’s a conference thingie there too. Nifty.

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4 Responses to I love L.A.

  1. Christa says:

    Sounds like you will be my tour guide this year. Awesome!

  2. karin says:

    Assuming I can afford to go, sure!

  3. Sketches says:

    Those places sounded great, did you post the photos on your blog?

  4. Sketches: I’ll post pics after I go :)