Goals for break

I’m more or less done with classes now (a few postings here and there, but other than that, done.) I look forward to almost a month and a half off school. I also have the week off between Christmas and New Year’s, and a somewhat relaxed gift buying schedule this year due to some no gift agreements and thinking ahead for once.

So of course, I’m thinking “what can I get done?”

I have a lot of ideas. Here’s a partial list, though I may only get a fraction of this done, it’s good to have a list to work from.

  • Work on several presentations. I want to have two or three ready to go, complete with slides, in case a presenting opportunity comes up.
  • Clean up computers- both my computers have become very bogged down with extra software and files. Plus I’ve been saving everything willy nilly for a while now.
  • Clean house- it really needs it.
  • Start cooking all meals at home- and make them good. I’ve been eating horribly lately, a result of lack of time.
  • Turn old computer into a server. I want to install Omeka on a test server- what better way than to set one up at home?
  • Research- I have a few topics I want to research in some detail, including open source ILS and Drupal for websites (which will involve some amount of play with my Drupal installation), positions/structures in digital humanities centers.
  • Make screencasts – one I have in mind is how I use Zotero- not just how TO use Zotero, but how I use it for my own personal research.
  • Finish at least some of the blog posts I’ve half started.
  • Buy a couple of domains for projects I’ve started, and at least get wikis running.

I also plan to do a lot of reading, playing video games, and lazing about, so who knows how many of my ambitious ides will come to fruition.

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3 Responses to Goals for break

  1. Mr. Wilson says:

    Isn’t it amazing how “break” can quickly become even busier than your regular schedule?

  2. Gene says:

    Your list makes me very, very tired.

  3. Pingback: nirak.net - Musings of an LIS Student » Winter blahs