Album cover meme

I didn’t actually get tagged for this, but I saw it on the blog humachine, and it looks like fun.

album cover meme

I added a step 4 to go with step three, so that I could use use a Creative Commons licensed photo. The previous directions just pulled from Flickr’s “interesting” page, of which very few are CC licensed.

  1. The first article title on the Wikipedia Random Articles page is the name of your band.
  2. The last four words of the very last quotation on the Random Quotations page is the title of your album.
  3. Use the random word generator to generate a word.
  4. Use the word to search FlickrStorm (creative commons licensed photos) and the third picture will be your album cover. Or just choose any image.
  5. Use your graphics program of choice to throw them together, and post the result.

Article Title: The World Famous Pontani Sisters
Random Quotation: The most savage controversies are those about matters as to which there is no good evidence either way. – Bertrand Russell
Random word: Tread
Image: Tired Cone by Travis Gray

Software & Hardware: Wacom Bamboo Tablet, ArtRage 2 (Through Wine), Gimp, Inkscape, Ubuntu 7.10

If you wanna do it, consider yourself tagged. Be sure to let me know in comments!

This entry was posted in Art, Free as in Freedom, Linux, My Stuff, Open access/Open source, Sites and Stories. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Album cover meme

  1. Heather says:

    Ah, the power of the random. Thanks for the welcome diversion (check mine out –!