Upcoming presentations

Zotero and RefWorks: It doesn’t have to be either/or

Zotero up close Tomorrow (January 23) I am giving a brown bag at my work about Zotero and RefWorks. I’m comparing the two citation management systems, and trying to make a case for supporting both. Full slides and notes will be up tomorrow.

In comparing the two products, I could think of many reasons why one might choose to use one over the other- a graduating student might not want to pay the $100/year fee, a mobile student might want something that he or she can access from many different computers without having to carry around a key drive. I hope that my presentation is balanced, even through I prefer Zotero.

If anyone (in Lincoln) would like to see this, it’s in Love Library, LIR room, 11:30 AM.

One Laptop Per Child: Laptops designed for learning

Sugar emulation showing OLPCNext Friday, February 1st I will present on the One Laptop Per Child project, the XO laptop, and especially the operating system Sugar. The more I use Sugar, the more I like it- so much that I decided not to try to install Xubuntu on the XO after all.

Here’s the official description:

The One Laptop Per Child (http://laptop.org) project’s goal is “To provide children around the world with new opportunities to explore, experiment and express themselves.” To that end, the XO laptop is a machine created explicitly for children and learning. Karin Dalziel will demo the XO laptop, give a tour of the operating system, called “Sugar,” and explain how features of the laptop are custom made for education.

This is at the Nebraska Library Commission, Friday, February 1, at 12:00 noon.

If you are going to go to the 2nd presentation (and don’t work at the Commission) let me know.

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2 Responses to Upcoming presentations

  1. John Fink says:

    I’ve given a couple of talks revolving around Zotero and Refworks, and I’m in your camp in that I prefer Zotero. One thing you might want to talk about if you’re not aware of it already is that Zotero is supposed to have some sort of server-side component in development. When/if that happens, the chief strength of RefWorks — its central management — may very well fall away.

  2. I am including the forthcoming sharing features of Zotero in my presentation. It sounds like it will be REALLY cool.