Life after school

I have neglected to mention on this blog that 1) I am done with school (I will graduate in May, but no more classes), and 2) I got a new job.

Close upI am now the Digital Resources Designer at the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities (new job, same place.) The somewhat ironic thing is that the new job does not require a MLS degree. I don’t regret getting the library degree though—a lot of what I learned (like ways to search and information storage and even things like marketing) will directly impact my job. So whether or not I end up as a librarian in the future, I’m glad I got the degree.

I’m not sure right now whether I will become a librarian, and if so, when. The new job is a great chance to hone my technical and design skills, and after I have been here for a while I can better determine what exactly I want to do. Many aspects of librarianship are still attractive to me, like working with lots of different people, working with technology—basically, being able to do a bit of everything. But I’m also REALLY excited about the new job despite it’s non librarian-ness, and can’t wait to see where it leads.

Yia Yia'sSo for now, I will be concentrating on the new job and things that relate to it. This might mean I’ll be doing a bit less in terms of library stuff. For instance, I probably won’t go to ALA this summer. I’m hoping instead to attend a Digital Humanities conference. My blog will probably take more of a techie/design direction while I explore aspects of the new job. That’s not to say I will never post anything library related—I’ll be very concerned with search, data organization, accessibility, usability, semantic markup and metadata—all things important in the library world.

What will I do with all my free time? A lot of projects have fallen by the wayside in the last semester or two – commitments I have made, projects I have meant to keep up, home repairs that need to be done. I will come back to these things in full force. Also, I will read, dance, paint, hang out with friends, and otherwise occupy myself.

Making Spiced PecansI had a hard time last semester. Actually, during the last two semesters I felt I was losing focus and drive. From talking to other students I know it’s a common thing. I think part of the problem for me was that I never really focused in my education. Towards the beginning I figured that I would find some kind of focus as school went on. But due to somewhat limited course options, I pretty much took what was available. I was also just plain burnt out from full time work and school towards the end. Because of all the superstars I know that manage to do so much more than me, I feel like a bit of a slacker. But, I recognize my limitations, and my need for free time.

I have also been suffering from writers block the last few months. Well, not a block, exactly. My mind has been busy, but I just can’t seem to get the ideas out. I’m hoping forcing myself to write will improve things. :)

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4 Responses to Life after school

  1. trevor says:

    Congratulations on graduation and the new job!

  2. Jennifer says:

    Congratulations!!! See, it doesn’t seem like such a long wait now, does it. Being done with classes was the best feeling ever!

  3. Bobbi Newman says:

    Congratulations! I think with the degree you’re a librarian no matter what, now you might not practice librarianship, but you’re a librarian. I’m looking forward to hear about your new position!

  4. Dave Lester says:

    Very exciting. Congratulations! I’m sure your MLS will be put to good use, and it sounds like your new job can only make you more of an attractive job candidate in the library-world. It’s good to mix things up, and Digital Humanities is the way to go! What DH conference are you looking at attending, DH09 at University of Maryland? I plan to be in attendance w/ the CHNM crew. Best of luck.