Note on content/housekeeping

Why the weird posts?

After a long time of not using this blog very regularly, I want to start using it again. If you have been a long time follower of my blog, my recent posts on photography may seem a little out of place compared to some of my older content. I have a couple of other blogs — and and I sometimes have trouble deciding what to put where.

I decided on the following basic breakdown: computer/research. This is why the photography experiments have ended up here, they are sorta researchy. Anything work/digital humanities/library related will stay here, but I’m hoping to have a place at work to write about those things at some point. Individual artworks, shown in a large format. I have not featured photographs here very often, but I plan to start if any of my shots get good enough. Everything else, including gardening, cooking, photo dumps, and art process things (although that could be considered research, categories are hard). I may eventually collapse this blog into, but I want to keep it as a separate experimental space for now. I’m guessing this blog will be of interest to those who know me personally, if anyone.


I have switched all my feeds to the native feed rather than the feedburner feed. If you subscribe to the feedburner feed, you will probably keep getting posts for a while, but if you want to make sure you are getting the correct feed, it’s probably best to resubscribe. (I’m not all that sure about feedburner’s longevity.) If you are using feedburner for an email subscription, let me know and I will figure something else out.

Here they are so you don’t have to go hunting:

I’m told all the time that no one uses feeds anymore, but I use them every day.

Design shake up

Finally, I am going to be changing up the design around here. Hopefully I won’t break things too bad.

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