Happy and tired

I’ve been a little sick, and way too busy the last week, but I’m happy anyway. I think my presentation on portable and web applications in May is going to go fabulous- my fellow presenter is great, and our problem will be narrowing down the information we want to present. Not a bad problem to have. I have a lot of great ideas for the demo and for slides.

I’m going to be running for secretary/treasurer of the Nebraska Library Association‘s Information Technology and Access Round Table. If I do by some chance win (I somehow don’t think it’s too likely :) ) I’ve got experience that will make the job go pretty smoothly- namely, I do budgets at work and I’m getting quite good at taking minutes (it’s harder than it sounds!) If I don’t win, hey, I got my name out there. So it’s really win/win.

The class that is giving my the most trouble this semester is cataloging- I know I won’t be a cataloger at this point. I am starting to get the hang of it a tiny bit- the trick is to treat it like a puzzle and try to forget a grade is riding on how well you do. It’s sorta working. We’re only doing 10 records, and it’s taking me FOREVER. I definitely have a newfound respect for people that do cataloging for a living.

I’ve been spending some time thinking about this post over on “Life as I know it.” Jennifer talked about how it would be great to have a wiki for LIS students. I started a network on Ning for LIS students… I think it could be useful, if people use it. At the very least, I got to see how the network creation works. It’s so easy, it’s kinda ridiculous! I like that you can customize the colors and upload your own background and graphics.

I think I need sleep now… sorry for the somewhat disjointed nature of this post. I’ve got a joke coming up tomorrow!

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