Vacation: Day 4

I’m so tired. Big work day today. Several trips to the hardware store and other stores, a few other errands, a lot of yardwork, a little gardening, some woodworking (if you can call it that).

Not much to speak of in the way of food. We were going to be all decadent this week, but it’s just not happened. :P


Oops. Trash
The plumbing problem. We had to run back to get a shorter connector (4th trip to the hardware store) but it is finally done! We have outdoor faucets again! We’ve generated a lot of trash and yard waste this week.
Carpentry Shelves
Marking where I need to drill. Shelves, before they are painted.
Roses Wildflowers
Roses.They’re doing really well this year. Wildflowers. If only I could get more to grow…
Herbs Killing the stuff
My herbs- Basil, Garlic Chives, Basil (can’t get enough!) and Peppermint. They’re not doing too well. Cleared area for trellis. We can’t figure out how to get rid of the old clothesline poles…
Evergreen bushes Forsythia and something else
This evergreen bush is gonna go. This forsythia and whatever else is gonna go. We will replace all the over sized bushes with some smaller ones, grasses, rocks, and other plants. Assuming we can get anything to grow.
Cleared driveway Monkey is helping
This is why I am so tired- I cleared out a lot of vegetation in this driveway, in preparation for the gravel delivery Thursday. Monkey was very helpful.

Whew! Tomorrow we’re going to go to Omaha.

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One Response to Vacation: Day 4

  1. Gene says:

    That looks really awesome. I’m always amazed at how much we can do when we start projects like that. I have four basil plants, it looks like three are definitely going to make it. Number four is listed as “day to day.”