One Laptop Per Child Presentation

I gave my presentation on the XO laptop today at the Nebraska Library Commission. Slides are up on, and my notes will be up tomorrow. It’s really fun presenting about something I care a lot about- I hope I have more opportunities soon. I don’t have any other presentations coming up right now, but I am working on a couple of proposals.

I tried to use Ubuntu to present, but had trouble connecting to the projector- which means I had to cut an entire section of the presentation – the part where I am actually demoing Sugar. I need to get better at being prepared for these snafus and acting on them quickly. Also, I need to get a firmer handle on how to use Ubuntu to project.

My thanks goes out to everyone that attended! I am told a video of the presentation will be up sometime.

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4 Responses to One Laptop Per Child Presentation

  1. Pingback: Karin Dalziel » One Laptop Per Child: Laptops designed for learning

  2. Mom says:

    Good Job. Let me know when they put the presentation on line! You have done alot more cool stuff with your OLPC than I have with mine. I guess I better get to work to catch up! Love Ya!

  3. Susan says:

    Thanks for coming over and presenting to us. I really enjoyed learning more about OLPC!

  4. Danika says:

    Wow, I’m really impressed by the work you are doing in the library world, and I have learned a lot from reading your blog, it is excellent. Keep writing and exploring all things tech.!