SXSW session notes: Drawing Back the Curtains on CSS Implementation

Drawing Back the Curtains on CSS Implementation

- David Baron, Mozilla (@davidbaron)
- Elika Etemad, Invited Expert (@fantasai)
- Molly Holzschlag, Opera Software (@mollydotcom)
- Sylvain Galineau, Microsoft Internet Explorer (@sgalineau)
- Tab Atkins, Google Chrome (@tabatkins)

They all love feedback! Message them on twitter with ideas, suggestions, concerns. If you blog about CSS, they probably won’t see it, so send them the link. The majority of people want to be involved in the standards, take the time to participate.

You can also follow @csswg for minutes and drafts.

When asked how many in the audience preferred Internet Explorer’s incorrect implementation of the CSS box model, many raised hands. I was one of them.

Question: What would they change about the CSS spec?
Answer: Galineau said that there should be other methods for laying out pages than float:left and right. Floats are delicate and easy to break. Also insane we don’t have variables. CSS sheets are giant and unwieldy.

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