SXSW session notes: Web Anywhere

Web Anywhere: Mobile Optimisation With HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript – Bruce Lawson

Bruce Lawson was a great presenter, and is the author of Introducing HTML5

Much of the world is not using smart browsers, they are using browsers for their feature phones. Opera mini is a popular browser on feature phones around the world.

Radically different places access the same information.

People say mobile users are task focused- this is half true. Everyone is task focused. You don’t need a separate mobile site, just consider your content.

Three ways to handle mobile users:

  1. Special mobile site
    • Almost always not the right way, but sometimes the quickest cheapest way.
    • You do not know what the user wants. If you do provide a separate mobile site, provide a way to get out!
    • No browser sniffing! – you can’t detect everything, browsers can lie.
  2. Do nothing, serve up the same site to mobile and desktop
    • Use web standards
    • You can use new javascript methods, touchstart, touchmove, listen to touch events in addition to click.
    • CSS3/ graceful degradation
    • HTML5 – useful for webapps
    • Canvas/SVG – consider carefully, use SVG when possible. Canvas obscures information, SVG is more accessible. Don’t use canvas for UI elements. SVG can keep a DOM, so you can query/undo if necessary.
    • Geolocation – use for progressive enhancement, you won’t always have it available
    • HTML5 forms – < input type=”email” > other types, url, tel. These will give a different keyboard for input on the iphone, and they gracefully degrade.
    • Offline support – detect state, save the day by using local/session storage. Way easier than storing in cookies.
    • Web socket communication – sending information this way saves battery life
  3. Optimise for Mobile
    • CSS Media queries – making sites that respond. “Can you do this?” “What’s your DPI?” “Landscape or portrait?” Responsive web development. See
    • If you are using media queries, set the viewport.
    • Content should take center stage!
    • Give dimensions of images in HTMl. This makes sure the content doesn’t move after the images are downloaded, which can be annoying – especially for mobile users, because the content they were reading may get pushed off the screen.
    • Consider < a href=”tel:555.555.5555″ > because this will let phone users dial easily.
    • Make accessibility a priority. Follow accessibility guidelines.
    • Minimise HTTP requests. Combine CSS and javascript whenever possible. Use SVG or canvas for images if possible.
    • ems rather than pixels – pixels can fail on high resolution screens
    • fluid layouts
    • use CSS background-size property
    • turn off fancy backgrounds, shadows, etc. for mobile devices (using media queries) – they require processing power and are battery killers
    • Occasional use of data URL’s can be useful
    • Put javascript at the bottom of the page, or, if it must be in the head, put it after CSS so you don’t get a page flash
    • Use feature detection js like Modernizr

No web apps! laziness is wise

Widgets – zip file containing web standard goodness – uses the browser platform. Gives you a downloadable app, uses the browser widget engine, but has no chrome – installation through the start menu.

Of course, you can only get certain things through a native app. Access to the camera and mic, for instance. Soon, though, you will be able to do things comparable to what you can do with a native app – access things like: contacts, calendar, media, messaging, accelerometer. HTML5 < device > – access to camera and microphone in a specific device.

Lawson demonstrated an experimental app which detects where you are, your direction, and your speed, all in the browser.

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